114 Bible Training Centers in 6 nations
Graduated over 3,000 leaders
Foundations Bible Training Centers (FBTC)
FBTC schools is designed so that any leader desiring a deeper walk with God may be equipped and trained by virtue of access to affordable education and transformational truths. We offer training to leaders who desire to start a school in their region. The schools are led by local pastors or church leaders who have proven, demonstrated integrity and the ability to teach and train. We provide all the study materials, teachings and protocols to start a local branch of FBTC. When possible, we send a regional leader who already has a successful school up and running to assist you in getting a school started for your region.
FBTC Schools is registered in the following countries: Zambia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and DRC Congo. We currently have 114 schools within these six nations.
Interested leaders should contact: Foundations International Ministries at email: foundations.international@gmail.com.
Course Descriptions & Study Programs
Activate, Ignite and Equip Leaders

Basic Ministerial Courses Diploma Program:
COURSE #100 KINGDOM GOVERNMENT: An in-depth look at the biblical governmental workings of the church. How the government of the church or ministry should be established and how to bring reformation to faulty structures. Included is a look at eldership, the work of the deaconate, as well as the board structure for church or ministries.
COURSE#101 HEARING GOD’S VOICE AND FUNDAMENTALS OF DISCIPLESHIP: Develop a Biblical view and understanding of how to hear God for your personal life & ministry. Moving from membership to discipleship. How to pray, read the Word & lead someone to Christ. Applying & teaching New Testament doctrine fundamentals to all believers.
#102 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP COURSE: An in-depth biblical study of discipleship, leadership, the call of God, and the cost of serving Christ. Discussion of servanthood, leadership styles, personality assessment, and Godly authority.
#103 APOSTOLIC/FIVE-FOLD & TEAM MINISTRY: A practical and biblical approach to maturing leaders, restoring balance, honor and integrity to the offices. A look at each operation of the five-fold and how to develop a team ministry.
COURSE #104 DELIVERANCE From Self, Sin Satan: Biblically based, scriptural realities of deliverance for today and the real power of God to set people free. Beginning look at discernment; is it demonic, flesh or self? "Defeating Dark Angels" by Dr. Charles Kraft. Ministerial Counseling, generational profile, sin, and its influence, the power of forgiving, judgments, and releasing those who wounded you.
COURSE #105 PULPIT MINISTRY: Clinical and applied skills of expository preaching, public speaking and lectern protocols. Each student will present six speeches, which will be evaluated as a tool to enhance speaking skills and delivery. Learn how to formulate clear Spirit-led messages and altar ministry.
COURSE #106 APPLIED MINISTRY FUNCTIONS: Hands-on training for service duties of ministers i.e., weddings, funerals, baptisms, communion, offerings, altar ministry, hospital visits and ecumenical services.
COURSE #107 ETHICS: Study tough real-life issues facing ministers and leaders. Biblical application of God’s standards for those who are called to ministry. Study cultural values versus biblical values in finances, ministry presentation, lifestyle, and relationships.
Self Study
COURSE #108 NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY: Overview of the entire New Testament utilizing A New Testament Survey Manual and the Bible. This is a study-intensive course of basic theology. You will have six months of independent study to complete this course.
Advanced Ministerial Courses Degree Program:
(Students must have basic & advanced courses to qualify for a degree)
COURSE # 200 Eschatology A study on the book of Revelation. End-times study focusing on the role of the church. The Bride of Christ is being prepared for the marriage supper of the lamb!
COURSE #201 Old Testament SURVEY: An overview survey for basic theology of Genesis through Malachi. You will have an Old Testament Survey Manual to work from. You will have seven months of independent study to complete this course.
COURSE #202 Person of the HOLY SPIRIT: The Spirit of God must lead every minister. Renewal for the leader, discipline of seeking God’s face, being anointed to do the work. Understanding of the gifts and the Person of the Holy Spirit. Knowing there is miracle power for today.
COURSE #203 CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Students will learn how to implement and apply sound biblical resolution to difficult situations. How to confront issues before they become explosive. Provide you with skills in dealing with other personality types.
COURSE #204 21st century New Testament Church Structure: In-depth look at the offices of elders, deacons, team leaders and the much-needed training to produce godly leaders. Step by step instructions on training modules to build strong leaders. Shifting the church back to a biblical foundation.
COURSE #205 MISSIONS: Unfolds the biblical mandate for missions at home and abroad. Discussions on short-term and long-term mission work. Relating and establishing missions as a part of your ministry. Students who take this course can sign up for short-term mission projects which can be applied to their final grades and degree projects.
COURSE #206 Comparative Religion: A Study of the basic tenants of the Christian faith then comparing those tenants to other religions, cults or church systems.
Every Student is required to have in hand a full copy of each course manual on the first day of class.
Study Programs Offered

Track 1
This program of higher education offers diploma or associate’s degree. For leaders & potential leaders desiring further study, spiritual growth, igniting passion for God & leadership skills training.
RATE: Set by local school leadership team. In order to earn a degree the student must first take all the diploma courses before taking advanced courses.

Track 2
This track offers students desiring ministerial credentials and/or charters, higher education, personal growth, and igniting and leadership skills. You will be trained to lead churches, missions, ministry outreaches or marketplace influence.
RATE: Set by local school leadership team

Track 3
Persons desiring further study who are interested in enhancing their spiritual lives or ministry. This program is designed for those who do not want a diploma or degree and are primarily taking courses for enrichment. You may register for these courses on or before the first night of class. You can audit a course, with no requirements for homework; no course credit will be provided.
RATE: Set by local school leadership team
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Dr. Melinda Brondell
Betrayal: Finding Divine

Dr. Melinda Brondell